Real Houseplants in Real Houses for Real People.

Real Houseplants in Real Houses for Real People.

Look we get it, everyone wants that perfectly designed plant room that's absolutely crawling with beautiful plants from all over the world, lush vibrant leaves, long trailing vines, spotless shelves of neatly organized foliage bathed in the glowing light of huge bay windows, and dazzling grow lights in classy fixtures. Plant walls absolutely packed with stunning specimen size plants, perfectly arranged to compliment the rest of the interior design. The sun room or conservatory that's just perfect for relaxing in with our own personal jungle. Sounds great, doesn't it?

But for a lot of us, that's just not in the budget, or we're leading busy lives, juggling kids, pets, and work. Our hodgepodge assortments of kid and pet friendly plants and a few favorite plants on our budget friendly shelving, in random pots with literally anything we can use as a saucer, and that grow light that we wouldn't dare confess gives us a migraine when we begrudgingly turn it on to supplement the tiny apartment windows we have to work with. These are all real concepts that I know all too well.

As a mother of twin toddlers, businesswoman, and college student, I can relate, up until this year we rented some great budget friendly apartments, they got us where we're at now, those places where the lighting was limited and space was even harder to work with. Those places where the shelf of our dreams just doesn't fit, and a green wall would definetly make our landlords reconsider ever renting again...

I can still relate as a homeowner - There's a pile of dirt on my bathroom floor right now screaming my name, and probably just as much potting material in my bathtub that'll need scrubbed down before bath time for the twins. There's a few brown leaves here and there that I haven't had time to prune back, and a few scars here and there that I've come to love. That plant wall I just put up? Yeah, if we ever move I'm gonna have to sell the house with it, or definetly budget for patching and painting if and when we sell.

We've got great windows, but that doesn't stop winter from doing what it does best, creating shorter days that leave plants begging for more light. Spring has begun to creep up and the natural lighting in my home is bouncing back - which I'm thankful for because those plant lights do not compliment a textbook in any way shape or form, regardless of how much my plants appreciate it. 

However, my husband is likely dreading the "great repotting" and "plants of parade" - that springtime festival of moving every plant to their spring and summer spots and up-sizing pots wherever it's needed. He jokes about putting tarps down in every room of the house until it's done...

But that's the truth, plants are messy, things get dirty, we can't always get what we want to organize and display them, and sometimes what plants need is chaos. The type of chaos that means accepting that the humidifier and grow lights have cords that look like absolute junk, the type of chaos that means those humidity trays don't match the pots perfectly, and those pots definetly don't match the vibe of the rest of the house, but it's what we've got for now.

But they make us happy right? They clean the air, suck up our Co2, pumping out oxygen and brighten our souls. They can even help with concentration and productivity. We can still dream about our perfect design filled with our favorite plants and amazing furniture that just vibes with us, and inch closer to that dream as we go. Sometimes that perfectly crafted room doesn't come together overnight, sometimes our dream collection can't be bought in a single shopping spree - and that's okay. It doesn't have to happen overnights, the plants will keep growing while we build towards our dreams, and the satisfaction of saying I grew that might be better than any 

So, if your a real person, in a real house, and like real houseplants, and any of this is resonating with you, If you have a design in mind, or are looking to upgrade a little at a time feel free to reach out, we can make a custom plan for you to get to that dream plant room together, we've got a few tricks up our sleeves that are budget friendly and look spectacular, we know how to work with what you have and make small meaningful changes to make a big difference and a great impression.


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