

Begonias – wax, rex, angel wings etc.


Plantywoo Snapshot:
Begonias come in several types: Fibrous-rooted begonias will look stringy and do not store nutrients and moisture, these can be propagated by stem cuttings. Rhizomatous will have creeping surface stems and roots, and tend to propagate themselves; and tuberous begonias have a round, flattened brown tuber and will store nutrients and moisture.
Light: bright indirect to medium light
Environment: 65-85°f Humidity 50-80% Avoid Hot/Cold Drafts and Dry Air. Use pebble tray for humidity.
Soil: equal parts peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. Amend the medium with a couple of tablespoons of ground limestone to help control humidity. Do not compact when potting, their preference for moisture requires excellent drainage and loose soil.
Nutrients: Fertilize when growing with a 2-2-2 every other week – or weakly weekly. Alternately apply slow release granules in the spring.
Water: keep evenly moist but never waterlogged.
Winter dormancy: some varieties yes, fibrous rooted varieties tend to be evergreen indoors, all other varieties prefer winter dormancy.
Plantywoo Overview:
Origin: With over 2000+ known species begonias hail from South-Central Americas, Africa and Southern Asia, most come from moist tropical and subtropical environments.
Foliage: comes in a large variety of colors, shapes and sizes, however almost all begonia leaves are asymmetrical, leading to the stereotypical wing like shapes of most species kept in the hobby.
Size: varies greatly by species
Problems: susceptible to root rot, bacteria, fungus, and mildews due to it’s preference for moist soil.
Toxic Principles: This pretty flowering plant is toxic containing calcium oxalate and various other chemicals, toxicity varies by type. The underground parts of wax begonias are poisonous. Meanwhile, tuberous begonias have toxin in their tubers. This variety also contains a noxious biochemical component called cucurbitacin B. Not safe for young children, pets, or those with pica.
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