

Plantywoo Snapshot: Aralias
Light: Bright Indirect Light
Environment: 65-85°f Humidity 50%+ Avoid overly Hot/Cold Drafts and Dry Air, however not as sensitive as most plants.
Soil: Forgiving, however Bonsai mix is a great choice.
Nutrients: Fertilize monthly when growing with 10-10-10.
Water: Moist but not soggy, let dry to 50% before watering. Soak and dry cycle preferred.
Winter dormancy: Yes, reduce water and heat slightly, stop fertilizing. Cold snaps below 60°f can cause severe leaf drop.
Plantywoo Overview:
Origin: Aralia is a striking, multi-stemmed member of the Araliaceae family, a huge family that consists of more than 70 species from various mountainous and wooded areas of Asia and America’s.consisting of deciduous or evergreen trees, shrubs, and rhizomatous herbaceous perennials. Fatsia and Scheffleras used to be classified as Aralias.
Foliage: The Fabian Stump is a species of evergreen shrub with dark green ovate leaves on a strong woody trunk. Originally from the tropical Pacific Islands, this plant thrives indoors and outdoors in warmer climates. The Ming Aralia is a species of evergreen shrub with smaller fern like rich green leaves. Native to India and widely cultivated in the tropical Pacific Islands, this plant thrives I brightly lit indoor areas and outdoors in warmer climates.
Size: Aralias are also used as Bonsai now word wide, this tree-like shrub grows vertically up to 8 feet!
Problems: Leaf drop, discoloration and tip browning due to cool temperature, lack of sunlight or fertilizer buildup. Needs high light including some direct sun to thrive.
Toxic Principles: The plant should be considered toxic as it does contain saponins, triterpenic glycosides and other unidentified irritating agents. Not safe for young children, pets, or those with pica
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