

Plantywoo Snapshot: Anthuriums 

Light: medium light Anthurium minimum 1,000 lux (100 FC) to 2,500+ lux (250+ FC) higher light limit 1-2 hours
Environment: 65-85°f Humidity 50-80% Avoid Hot/Cold Drafts and Dry Air.
Soil: Loose chunky well draining. Mix bark chunks or coco chunks with indoor potting soil for best results. Orchid mix can be used also.
Nutrients: Fertilize every 2 weeks when flowering -4 weeks when growing with fertilizer diluted to 10-10-10. Alternately apply slow release granules after winter dormancy..
Water: Moist but not soggy, let dry to 50% before watering.
Winter dormancy: Yes, reduce water and heat to about 60-65°f.
Plantywoo Overview:
Origin: Anthurium is an epiphytic evergreen tropical perennial of the Arum family that is most noted for its attractive waxy, palette-shaped, bright spathes and contrasting dark green foliage. Native to south America and the Carribian.
Foliage: Epiphytic roots support a spray of waxy stems and dark green foliage. Plant is best known as noted above for it’s flowers, marked by brightly colored spathes around a central spadix flower cluster. Ironically anthuriums are naturally climbers, however are rarely grown in captivity as climbing plants. Try out a moss pole or trellis to encourage growth.
Size: 2+ft tall, 2ft wide.
Problems: leaf drop And tip browning due to cool temperature, low humidity, or lack of sunlight. Very prone to root rot – keep soil structure loose and we’ll draining, epiphytes need high oxygen to the root zone.
Toxic Principles: Insoluble calcium oxalates - Not safe for young children, pets, or those with pica.
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