Alocasia: African Masks and Elephant Ears

Alocasia: African Masks and Elephant Ears

Plantywoo Snapshot: Alocasia African Masks and Elephant Ears 
Light: Medium light minumt1,000 lux (100 FC) 2,500+ lux (250+ FC) higher light limit 3-4 hours
Environment: 60-85°f Humidity 50-70% Avoid Hot/Cold Drafts and Dry Air.
Soil: Loose chunky well draining. Mix bark chunks or coco chunks with indoor potting soil for best results.
Nutrients: Fertilize every 2-4 weeks with fertilizer diluted to 10-10-10.
Water: Moist but not soggy, let dry to 25-50% before watering. Rhizomes store some water and nutrients.
Winter dormancy: Yes, reduce water. May drop leaves.
Origin: Alocasia is an Aroid - a member of the Arum family and grows in tropical and subtropical rainforests There are about 90 accepted species native Asia and eastern Australia.
Foliage: Central rhizomes produce individual stems roughly double the height of the leaf margin with broad heart or arrowhead-shaped, heavily textured leaves, can feature flatly curved or wavy patterned edges and distinctive deepset veining that is often creamed colored and provides a stark contrast from the deep green of the leaf, propagated by corms from the central plant smaller plants may eventually spring up around the mother plant at maturity.
Size: size varies widely by variety and maturity. Some giant varieties dwarf a human while others keep to a reasonable height and diameter for indoor gardening.
Problems: Leaf drop and tip browning due to cool temperature, low humidity, or lack of sunlight or fertilizer buildup. Prone to root rot, leaves yellow in response to over watering, droop in response to underwatering.
Toxic Principles: Insoluble calcium oxalates - Alocasias contain a protein called asparagine and oxalic acid. Not safe for young children, pets, or those with pica.
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