Aglaonema Chinese Evergreen

Aglaonema Chinese Evergreen

Plantywoo Snapshot: Aglaonema Chinese Evergreen
Light: Medium - Low light tolerant minimum 50 Lux (5 FC) to 750+ lux (75+ FC) 1-2 hours of brighter light ok.

Environment: Temps 60-80°f Humidity 60-70% Avoid Hot/Cold Drafts and Dry Air.

Soil: Rich loose well draining soil.

Nutrients: monthly during the spring and summer months with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer diluted to roughly 10-10-10, or add timed release fertilizer in the spring.

Water: Moist but not soggy – approximately 50% dry before watering.

Winter dormancy: Yes. Reduce water and stop fertilizing mid fall through winter.

Origin: Understory of tropical rain forests throughout Southeast Asia, Aglaonema: Chinese Evergreen is a herbaceous perennial and member of the Araceae Family.

Foliage: Leaves are large and ovate with entire leaf margin of approximately 20 cm, leaves originate from lateral stems from the main upright growing heavily segmented canes similar to many dieffenbachias/dumbcanes. They are usually green with a white, silver, or pink stripe along the midvein and many white, silver, or pink irregularly-shaped leaf patterns, frequently spots or splotches of colored variegation alternatively some varieties have narrower leaves or striped patterning. Flowering plant inflorescence is a small flower cluster on a spadix atop peduncle wrapped in spathe – similar to peace lilies, spathe color varies by variety.

Size: Most varieties top out at a mature specimen height of 4’ and width similar to height. Slow growing in general.
Problems: Prone to leaf yellowing and dropping older or lower leaves in unfavorable conditions, beware of leaf tip browning (tipping) due to overdose of fertilizer or over/under watering. Susceptible to root rot. Overexposure to high light can result in leaf curling.

Toxic Principles: Insoluble calcium oxalates. Not safe for young children, pets, or those with pica.
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